Must-Have Items For Your Fall Marketing Calendar


Author: Staples Professional Inc.

The fall brings with it many opportunities for marketing. Everyone’s starting afresh: kids are heading back to school, and people have returned from vacation. Here are some marketing ideas to include in your calendar for the season.

1. Run a Contest on Instagram

Invite your followers to post their pictures as they engage in fall activities they enjoy with a hashtag of your choosing. Select a winner, repost their photo on your account and give them a gift.

2. Sponsor a Local Team

Provide young athletes with support in a way that’s relevant to your business. For instance, if you sell women’s apparel, consider partnering with a local girls’ soccer team. Maybe you operate a restaurant; make it the official spot for parents and players to hang out before and after the game.

3. Place Ads on Local blogs

Find the most popular blogs in your community that align with your business, and place ads for special promotions for the readers. In addition to inexpensive rates, these blogs can help you expand your reach to your target market.

4. Celebrate Holidays Other than Just the Popular Ones

We all love Halloween and Thanksgiving, but you can set yourself apart with fun holidays that align with your business and lend themselves well to social media marketing. Examples include International Coffee Day and International Day of the Girl Child.

5. Make Seasonal Pitches to the Media

Reach out to popular TV/radio stations and popular podcasters and YouTubers to pitch seasonal stories, such as seasonal recipes and fashion updates, that are relevant to your brand.

6. Hire Top Talent

You might be in need of a new social media manager, graphic designer, product photographer and so on. Reach out to local design school, colleges and even high school, and hire young talent to inject fresh perspectives into your business.

7. Make Donations to Auctions

Many charity organizations and learning institutions run fundraisers in the fall. Consider reaching out to our favorite organizations and offering your products for silent auctions or raffles. You’re not only being a good neighbor but also raising your brand awareness.

The Bottom Line

As the fall sets off the holiday season and consumers’ attention shifts toward product and services related to the season, smart marketers jump at the chance to capitalize off these trends. The online and offline campaigns mentioned can you help you grow your audience and access a larger market, ultimately improving your sales.

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