4 Great Decorating Tips to Boost Holiday Sales


Author: Staples Professional Inc.

The festive season uplifts people’s moods and sets the stage for them to relax and have fun. The holidays are also a special time for your business because they give you an opportunity to boost your bottom line by using holiday decorations to create an environment that encourages people to buy your products.

Here we share four top tips for driving up sales by being smart about the way you use holiday decorations.

1. Let the holiday theme guide your selection of decorations

Using decorations that are relevant to the holiday stirs your customers’ and employees’ holiday spirits. This feel-good environment that the festive season evokes can drive up sales when you use decorations to make your customers associate your brand with positive emotions.

For instance, you can tap into your customer’s holiday spirit during the Christmas season by injecting your brand personality into classic Christmas decorations such as Christmas lights, red-and-green decor, snow-themed decor and Christmas folklore characters such as Santa and his elves.

2. Pick and use the Christmas tree wisely

A Christmas tree gives you a unique opportunity to boost sales by sharing giveaways with your customers and presenting smaller merchandise as gifts. Position one of your salespeople as Santa to encourage your customers to interact with your merchandise.

Consider using an artificial tree. It offers more value than a real Christmas tree in the long run because you can use it multiple times before it needs replacement. Even better, an artificial Christmas tree eliminates the need to clean up shedding needles, so your salespeople can focus on selling your products.

3. Using flashy outdoor decor to draw in customers

Capture the attention of passersby by decorating outdoor spaces like rooftops or sidewalks. Attach a wreath with suction cups to your door and replace your regular doormats with Christmas-themed doormats. Use bright displays to draw customers would have otherwise overlooked your business.

Once your flashy outdoor decorations attract customers into the business, use your waiting area to set the scene with equally flamboyant decor such as a lifesize Santa, elves, holiday soldiers or a polar bear.

4. Think about next Christmas

Give preference to holiday decorations that provide lasting value. Invest in a high-quality artificial Christmas tree that you can use for years to come. Buy sturdy and sealable storage containers that maintain the shape of your wreaths, Christmas tree and other reusable holiday decorations.

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